Perry Portable Homes

Building The Best Tiny Homes On The Market

Inspirations for the tiny homes

As we built the first tiny home out of our garage we were always looking for new bits of inspiration and ingenuity. This was mostly affected by various YouTubers and just an interest in local building practices and designs. We would even make trips to look at tiny home communities to see what they were putting into their house designs. This was a great way to improve our build of the house because it helped us to realize some spots that we could make changes to. One of which was the inclusion of a steel support frame that goes underneath the master bedrooms overhang on the outside of the house. This made it so that while the room would get some added support for stability we could also build on that metal frame and put a little storage cabinet on the outside of the house at the same time.

These and other various changes have gone into the final design of the house, and we are proud of what the finished result is going to be. This has been a great learning process for all of us, and we are always looking forward to learning new ways to build a part of this house. While at the same time building up ourselves from the lessons learned.

The Challenges of Building a Tiny Home

When we started building the first tiny house we were excited to roll up our sleeves and get to work. Mark was the brains of the first house and he was able to come up with a large vision of the house that he wanted to build, so we bought the necessary tools and we bought the right materials and we set to work building it. Every few days of building we would run into a problem and that would send us back to the drawing board, but each time it helped us to learn more and improve our processes. Some major changes that we came across were to switch from electric to gas, and also to change the design of using a double door opening up in the middle of the side, to using a single door which allowed for more storage and space in the future. But all in all this has been the most rewarding experience to see this house go from an empty trailer to the makings of a beautiful comfy home. This has given us the confidence and excitement to continue building these houses for as long as people are willing to buy them. One of the great things that happened was when our company was featured in a local paper (The Box Elder News Journal)